Pineapple Juice Nutrition Facts

Drinking pineapple juice daily is a great way to load up on a variety of essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6, and thiamine. In addition to being vitamin rich, probably the most healthy component of pineapple juice is the fact that it contains the proteolytic enzyme bromelain, which has been scientifically proven to be extremely healthy for various systems throughout the body. In order to maximize the health benefits contained in the juice, you should always drink it raw, as processed pineapple juice contains no bromelain at all, and in many cases the vitamins and minerals have been deactivated through the pasteurization process. Making pineapple juice from fresh pineapple is very easy to do, all you need is a home juicer, many of which can be purchased for an affordable price.

As many of you are already aware, dietary fiber consumed in large daily portions is extremely healthy for your digestive and circulatory system. Raw fresh pineapple contains an abundant amount of dietary fiber, which can be consumed in pineapple juice if you set your juicer to a moderate filtering setting so that a significant amount of pulp can slip through. Without a fiber rich diet, your body can have difficulty pushing foods through your digestive system, which over time can increase your risk for a variety of different digestive based cancers. There are two types of fiber, soluble fiber, and insoluble fiber. Plants and fruits such as pineapples contain soluble fiber, meaning it can dissolve in the water located within the digestive tract. So if you are looking for a sweet and tasty way to add more fiber to your diet, be sure to give fresh pineapple and pineapple juice a consideration.

Pineapple juice is an excellent source of manganese, with only one cup of juice providing up to ninety percent of the daily value. Manganese is an important nutrient to consume, and it can be found in nearly all forms of life in small amounts. It is mainly stored in the kidneys and liver, as well as in the brain where it binds with manganese metalloproteins that inhibit glutamine synthetase. To maximize the amount of manganese you attain from pineapple juice, again it is important that you drink raw juice only. Most canned or heavily processed pineapple juice products will contain little or no manganese, as many preservatives will deactivate the nutrient. Fresh pineapple is also a great way to get your daily dosage of manganese, as juicing the fruit isn't the only way to benefit from it's vast array of vitamins and minerals.

In pineapple juice, you will also find large amounts of vitamin B6. One cup of pineapple juice contains up to ten percent of the daily value of the vitamin. Vitamin B6 is a natural cofactor in a whole host of processes associated with amino acid metabolism, such as decarboxylation, transamination, and deamination. The vitamin is also important in creating the enzymatic reaction that governs the separation of glucose from glycogen. It's important to consume enough vitamin B6 in your diet, as deficiencies can lead to a lot of different health problems, including confusion, mental fatigue, neurological disturbances, or angular cheilitis. It should also be noted that vitamin B6 is very sensitive to temperatures, so freezing or canning your pineapple juice will result in losing some or all of the vitamin contained within the fruit juice. We hope you enjoyed this brief article.